teatree oil benefits

Tea Tree Oil

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The root of tea tree oil benefits

Melaleuca, better know as tea tree oil, has been used by the Aboriginal tribes for ages, dating back for thousands of years by some sources. It is just here recently scientist have analyzed and accepted the medicinal qualities of tea tree oil. This light yellow liquid gold is now found in millions of homes.

History of tea tree oil

Captain James Cook landed near Sydney, Australia in 1770. During his ventures he noticed massive groves of trees with thick, sticky, aromatic leaves. The natives disclosed the medicinal uses the wonderful tree oil which the leaves possessed. The native’s explained using a poultice, held in place with a mud pack, was used against wound infections. Quickly the use of tea tree oil spread amongst the Australian settlers in the 19th century. Over 150 years later the oil is still used for the same qualities.

How tea tree oil is produced

This oil is extracted from tea tree leaves by steaming. This process forces the oil out of the pours of the leaf. The oil is then collected and filtered for purity. The best extract is usually clear to very pale golden in color and it exudes a fresh, camphor-like scent. Some have even compared the smell to Nutmeg.

Types of medicinal values: fungi and bacteria

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is packed with many natural agents who are known for combating all three of the infectious organism which affect the human body. As well as oil of Oregano and Eucalyptus oil, Tea tree oil is used to fight fungi, bacteria, and viral infections. Tea tree oil has also been known to be extremely effective against infections which have proven to be resistant to anti-biotic treatment. Some of the ailments treated successfully with tea tree oil are anywhere ranging from acne to oily skin. Some blisters and sun burns have been treated with the oil. Fungi which are responsible for athletes’ foot and fungal toe infections also have been treated. Genital conditions as warts and herpes have shown promise. Mouth washes with tea tree oil have been effective in killing oral candidiasis, the bacteria responsible for yeast in the oral cavity. Dental issues with plaque and inflammation of the gums show a decrease after the use of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has been used in the treatments of respiratory problems ranging from the common cold symptoms, such as runny nose and sore throats, to asthma.

Anti-viral benefits of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has fought many common diseases which are responsible for shingles, measles and the all too common, chicken-pox. Flu and cold season may be cut shorter with the use of tea tree oil. Scientific research has shown an increase in the human immune system when tea tree oil is used. The research headed by scientist Mr. Penfold, in 1923, verified the strength of the oils properties to be 12 times stronger than carbolic acid.

Safety concerns of tea tree oil

Pregnant women, women who are planning on becoming pregnant, as well as, nursing mothers should not use tea tree oil. The effects on the fetus or the nursing child have not been established. This means there is no research qualities established concerning the safety of tea tree oil on the pediatric population. Tea tree oil should always be used diluted. Tea tree oil has been known to cause mild to moderate skin irritations with sensitive skin users. If sensitive skin is on your body, dilute the oil with some other form of liniment. Olive oil is a popular one, though lotion will work as well. Make sure the bottle is properly marked so all who use the lotion will know there is something special with that particular selection. Pure tea tree oil should never be taken internally, for symptoms can be severe.

If taken internally, tea tree oil can cause undesired results and symptoms to the gastro-intestinal tract; may cause alter mental status conditions like stupor; and in serious overdoses, coma may occur. Seek medical care if the possibility of an overdose may have happened. Another side effect which is extremely rare is a rash upon application. This also requires the immediate attention of a medical provider to find out why you are reacting to this natural element.

Treatments for different medical ailments

Cure for irritations from going to Dentist, no it does not pay the bill.
By adding 3 drops of tea tree oil to one cup of warm water you can make your own mouthwash. Or to spice up your tooth paste, you can add just a drop to help break up the hard to reach plaque and the bad breath bacteria. Do not allow for children to use for risk of swallowing the oil.

Cold symptoms

Adding just 2-3 drops into a pot of boiling water can create your own on-demand vaporizer. To ensure you receive the entire precious droplets make sure you have a towel draped across you head as you lean forward inhaling the vapor. You can continue this method for as many nights as needed, just do it for 10 to 15 minutes each time. If your mucus should change color to a brown or a green it is time for an orally prescribed anti-biotic.

Sore throats and canker sores

Making sure you do not ingest this solution, gargle with 2-4 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of warm water. You should do this two to three times a day until symptoms improve. Serious stomach problems can arise if swallowed. Do not give mouth wash to children.


Tea tree oil contains an element terpinen-4-ol which is attributed for most of the oil’s antimicrobial properties. With this property, topical application to acne problem areas has been thought to kill Propionibacterium acnes, the skin-dwelling bacteria that is involved in causing acne. With this thought, 124 people were involved in a single-blind experiment to test the effects of tea tree oil. Although the tea tree oil group did not fair as well as the other group using chemically engineered medications, there were less side effects with the tea tree oil group. The counterpart group experienced reportings of 79% being afflicted with side effects. Ranging from burning to flaking and overly-dry patches on the face after application. The test lasted a span of three months. To mix your own concentration take one part tea tree oil and 20 parts water, for example, one teaspoon of oil and twenty teaspoons of water.

Commercial products

There are a number of new topical acne products containing tea tree oil. Some companies have even mixed other herbal anti-microbial elements into the product which have been receiving amazing results from their consumers. The company Kiss My Face has a new topical gel that includes witch hazel along with tea tree oil. Sephora, DDF has a benzyl-peroxide gel including tea tree oil and has received high marks from consumers, as well. All of these products can be found in your local drugstore or grocery store aisles. Each day new products are added to the shelves to offer a larger selection for specific needs.

Dry scalp and nits

Shampoos of various percentages of tea tree oil can rid you of dandruff and help get rid of pesky head lice. Tea tree oil is a natural alternative which helps to keep lice away from the scalp before an infestation has occurred, and it helps to kill the nits and adult lice once they have arrived. This is a fantastic alternative to the chemically engineered products on the market. As a preventative step you may just want to drop the contents of a small bottle of tea tree oil in your child’s shampoo bottle. Make sure to agitate the solution extremely well. Desert Essence is a reliable brand which is available in both oil and shampoo forms.

Tea tree oil is natural but moderation is the key. Natural does not automatically make it safe or the right choice for your family’s needs. Sensitive skin may not be able to handle the potency of tea tree oil, so care should always be taken. Major medical problems can happen if tea tree oil is swallowed and may become toxic. Be sure to keep it out of your child’s reach and use it in reasonable quantities. Tea tree oil may be the best option if you are looking for a non-chemical shampoo.

Treatment for nail fungus

Drop one or two drops of tea tree oil on the affected nail or nails. There is a risk of slight irritation in an area which already has a situation occurring. By adding olive oil to the drop of oil it varies the concentration just a bit. Manipulate the concentration so it can be tailored to the need of your situation, for each foot is different and there is no right or wrong concentration. Just remember to make sure the nail is completely clean and dry before you apply the drops to the affected toe. This should be done twice a day until improvement is achieved.

Treatment for yeast infections

Extra care should be taken when using near sensitive areas of the body. This treatment can be external and internal in use. If you have never had a yeast infection before, consult your medical provider to ensure you have overgrowing, naturally occurring yeast and not a more serious condition; which will require advanced medical intervention. Dilute the tea tree oil before placing on the genitals. With the area being extremely vascular and sensitive there may be extreme discomfort. If there is discomfort wash area with copious amounts of water, no soap, and discontinue use. The most common application for external relief is to place a few drops in a sitz-bath with lukewarm water.

With internal irritation treatments you have the option of using pre-made, commercially packaged tea tree oil suppositories or you can make your own. To achieve a homemade product use a water solvable jelly such as K-Y jelly in an applicator with a few drops of tea tree oil. The oil is extremely potent and some have experienced stinging on contact, if needed, add more jelly to offset the discomfort with application.

Cuts and burns

Just apply a few drops to your skin wound, bandage and keep clean.

Body odor

Body odor is caused by bacteria which live near the sweat pores on the body. Tea tree oil can be used to help eliminate odor. A couple of ways to utilize the tea tree oils anti-odor properties are to apply a couple tablespoons of the essential oil to your bathwater; or place a few drops in a bowl of water then apply to the area of concern. Only rinse off if an irritation occurs.

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Non-Medical uses for tea tree oil

Air sanitizer

A few drops of oil in your humidifier can also sanitize the air inside your home. The aromatic quality of tea tree oil will not only help to clean out stale and musty air, it also adds a sweet camphor smell. The strength of the sanitizing is dose dependant. Use it, though don’t dump the whole bottle in the humidifier, for it can be overpowering.

2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil make the recipe for a geat mild cleaner. Mold on your bathroom tiles, to the dingy looking shower curtain have no choice but to clean up their act with this.

Tea tree oil may damage hardwood floors over time. Use the following recipe in moderation and care. This recipe calls for 14 ounces of water; 1 ounce of wood oil soap; and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Make sure you write the contents on the bottle so they will be known for future uses. This mixture is not for bathroom tiles, shower curtains or material surfaces. The wood oil soap would need to be left out.

Additional cleaning

4 teaspoons of the oil to 4 cups of water and you have a powerful disinfecting cleanser. Below are few suggestions for areas in your home which clean wonderfully with the tea tree oil cleaner. Spray the area you wish to clean with a spray bottle containing this solution and wipe clean just as you would with a traditional house hold cleaner. Allow for area to dry completely if it is to come in contact with food or skin. Commonly touched areas such as banisters; door handles; kitchen counters; even heavily soiled internal and external home fixtures have shown the positive effects of tea tree oil cleaners. From your child’s high chair to car seat there is almost nothing that tea tree oil cannot grab a hold of and make clean.

More about essential oils: jojoba oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil.

The root of tea tree oil benefits | History of tea tree oil | How tea tree oil is produced | Types of medicinal values: fungi and bacteria | Anti-viral benefits of tea tree oil | Safety concerns of tea tree oil | Treatments for different medical ailments | Non-Medical uses for tea tree oil

4 Responses to Tea Tree Oil

  • A Few Alternative Cleaning Solution Ideas to Try

    You can improve the cleaning recipes with a few small alterations. Both the disinfecting cleaner and the sanitizing cleaner recipes could be improved by increasing the solubility of the tea tree oil. Tea tree oil and water do not mix except in miniscule amounts, so in order to make a water soluble tea tree oil you can mix it with either Rubbing Alcohol or Vodka. The alcohol can increase the germ killing effectiveness of the cleaner as well.

    If in your first recipe, you would use a 1/2 cup of alcohol and add tea tree oil several drops at a time until the tea tree oil will no longer mix with the alcohol. If you want to hold the rest of the oil in suspension as well, you will need something to act as an emulsifier. For cleaning purposes, a potassium soap like “Dr Bronners” soap or Sal Suds works well. Try using a tea spoon of soap, adding tea tree oil till no more will mix in, and then add the soap and tea tree solution, and the alcohol and tea tree solution to your spray bottle and fill the rest with water. What you will have is a cleaner that won’t allow the tea tree oil to separate out and an improve cleaning agent as it breaks the ionic bonds that create surface tension. teatreewonders.com

  • Dear Teatreeoil,
    I was wondering on a similar note,, The Australian Tea Tree, Melaleuca alternifolia, is being used to produce an essential oil known as Tea Tree oil. The oil is usually extracted from the leaves and stems of the plants using a steam distillation process, and marketed as a natural healing agent for diverse uses. It is one of the more promising natural healing agents on the market today, with evidence from scientific studies to back up claims of its healing properties.
    Catch you again soon!

  • I want to use tea tree oil in agriculture so pl give the right information about this and also tell me 25% tea tree oil mix with water and which emulsifier are use?
    Bcoz emulsifier are very important.

  • The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The most commonly implicated virus is a rhinovirus (30–80%), a type of picornavirus with 99 known serotypes.^,:*